Your journey to self-discovery is just beginning...

...and you know it’s a path worth pursuing.

Gain a deeper understanding of who you are so you can put your gifts to work instead of grappling with them, unleash your potential for personal growth, and fully show up for the people, causes, and purposes you care about.

You’ve tried to be more like them.

You’ve tried to be more normal.

You’ve tried to fix yourself.

But, Advocate, you’re not broken.

You just learned you’re in the 1% of the population that brims with quiet passion, thrives on creating solutions that impact the greater good...and tends to push yourself to the point of burnout.

And that’s just scratching the surface.

The more you understand about the way you tick, the more confident, comfortable, and compassionate you can be as you shed lifelong labels, strengthen your relationships, and explore the things that give you meaning and purpose.

Take a deep breath, Advocate.
Your world is about to make a whole lot more sense.

The Advocate Premium Profile + Academy is your in-depth field guide and blueprint for understanding your true self...and unlocking your greatest potential.

In the 242-page Advocate Premium Profile, you’ll go beyond the periphery for an in-depth exploration of your personality as it affects different areas of your life, from your relationships to your communication, your academic path to your professional development, and your friend-making skills to parenting styles.

Combined with year-long access to our Academy, you’ll have tools and resources you can visit time and again to understand, accept, and honor the person you are...while revealing the path to growing into the person you want to be.

The only question you’ll be asking yourself is:
Why didn’t I have this sooner?

This went beyond a personality profile, it presented constructive strategies. Depth is not a strong enough word for this profile. I’ve done and facilitated assessments before as a student and as a teacher, but this was the best I’ve seen.


First, you’ll affirm what’s true now. Then, you’ll plan for what’s next.

16Personalities is not just a scientific (and “creepily accurate”) theory in understanding yourself. It’s a roadmap to your success.

With the Advocate Premium Profile + Academy at your fingertips, your sense of self will grow increasingly stronger as you dive into chapters, tips, and advice on:

Personal Growth

Searching for a sense of purpose? Get to know what motivates you deep down – so you can create your own path forward.

Romantic Relationships

Longing for true love? Learn to bring your greatest gifts to your romantic relationships – and connect with any personality type.


Craving more connection? We’ll help you find kindred spirits (they’re out there, we promise!) and cultivate deep friendships.


Focused on raising happy, purpose-driven kids? Find out ways to help your children grow into their gifts and passions.

Academic Path

Need to reconnect with your love of learning? Learn how to turn curiosity and imagination into your greatest learning tools.

Career and Professional Growth

Looking for a meaningful career? We’ll help you find a professional path that lights you up – and suits your values.

So many things make sense now – friendships, romance, work, parenting. It hit all angles and I’m more excited to use this information to harness my strengths for something greater.


From isolated and misunderstood validated, affirmed, and energized

Your uniqueness isn’t a flaw; it’s your superpower. When you learn to work with your natural tendencies, you develop a healthier relationship with your own self, giving you the confidence you need to grow more fully into the person you’re meant to be.

Join the 27,500+ people who’ve continued their journey to personal growth:

Advocate Premium Profile
242-page Advocate Premium Profile
Instantly downloadable PDF
Read on any device
Get started now
Advocate Premium Profile + Academy
242-page Advocate Premium Profile
Interactive Advocate Academy - 1 year access
Additional tests, insights, and exercises accessible from any device
Get started now
All Premium Profiles + Academy
Instant download of all Premium Profiles (16 profiles; 3,600+ pages of insights)
Interactive Advocate Academy – 1 year access
Additional tests, insights, and exercises
Get started now

The experience people have with the Premium Profile speaks for itself, my own experience included.


I would have paid twice or three times the amount for this data about myself.


So accurate it’s scary, but so interesting, I don’t want to stop reading.


Learning so much is truly a game changer and it’s all laid out in a very easy to understand manner.


Eye-opener for those who feel they’ve lost themselves.


The free analysis of the personality was so spot on and simple and amazing, but having access to the full profile is so insightful and in depth regarding so many aspects or qualities that I wouldn't have contemplated prior.


I am an Advocate and I am AMAZED at how accurate this is. It sure does explain a lot when I think about the things that give me motivation, the things that set me off, and my constant desire for alone time. Thanks!!


I wish I had found this sooner to better understand my combination of personality traits. From learning about yourself to your friendship, romance, education and career preference, the profile is spot on. Thanks for the wonderful insight and advice guys!


I often wonder why I am the way I am, and find myself analyzing my personality and my surroundings. I finally found something that describes how I am feeling, and I will never stop learning and growing. Thank you.


This helped explain many traits that I just didn’t understand. I never understood why certain things about me were so different from others, and constantly felt misunderstood because of it. This changed that for me. I accept who I am confidently and securely.


The Advocate Premium Profile & Academy...

Your key to unlocking the growth that’s been stalled by self-doubt and misunderstanding

Tried, tested, and true

Behind 16Personalities is a team of scientific researchers...and millions of test takers. We’ve conducted more than 800 studies to uncover trends and correlations, spent thousands of hours combing through people’s life stories and experiences, analyzed hundreds of surveys, and tested a myriad of different approaches so we could help Advocates like you better understand yourself and make the mark you’re meant to in this world.

Tools to come back to, time and again

As an Advocate, it’s likely your stack of unread materials is already...ambitious. No fret: You don’t need to do this all in a day. Your Profile is yours to keep, and with a year-long membership in the Advocate Academy, you can come back each time you need a reminder of what makes you who you are, you need a recharge, or you’re ready to take on the next challenge.

Self-exploration, risk-free

If you haven’t unlocked valuable insights into yourself and the world around you within 30 days, just drop us an email and we’ll refund your money, no questions asked. Easy.

So, what are you waiting for?

As Aristotle said millennia ago,
“The hardest victory is the victory over self.”

The time to really get to know yourself is now. Consider this your plan for success.

Not a member yet? Create a free profile by taking our personality test or entering your results yourself.