
This is what people have said about our premium resources.
I am amazed by how precise it is! Very helpful for any life situation.
Mediator (INFP, -A/-T)
It was spot on - and qualities I thought to be shortcomings now no longer seem to be! Thank you!
Campaigner (ENFP, -A/-T)
I found this profile surprisingly accurate. There were some things that did not line up, of course, but most of this profile was exactly right. The most informative part was the career section. I always had trouble in th... (see more)
Advocate (INFJ, -A/-T)
Amazingly effective and incredibly authentic!
Advocate (INFJ, -A/-T)
Thank you for helping me understand my personality, which has contributed to my life and relationships a lot. Much appreciated!
Entertainer (ESFP, -A/-T)
Really useful information. My son passed the test and I bought a profile for him. Now I understand how to communicate with him better and how to use peculiarities of his personality for his growth as a person.
Campaigner (ENFP, -A/-T)
Your profiles are a godsend for me in my role as a Learning & Development Advisor, helping me to build high performing teams in local government.
Protagonist (ENFJ, -A/-T)
Amazing. The insights I obtained about why I do some of the seemingly crazy things I do are invaluable. I feel less isolated, knowing there are many others facing the challenges that come with my personality type (ENFP-T... (see more)
Campaigner (ENFP, -A/-T)
I found the premium profile so helpful to understand myself and to learn how to manage certain feelings.
Entrepreneur (ESTP, -A/-T)
Very well written and true to the core. Couldn't agree more.
Logician (INTP, -A/-T)
I was really pleased reading my profile. What started as a fun online test, finished as a deep and insightful look at my everyday life, work and relationships. You really did a good job in your research!! Thanks a lot!!!... (see more)
Debater (ENTP, -A/-T)
This e-book is really accurate and good to learn more deeply about ourselves. I gained a lot of information about myself thus it makes me become more confident in myself. I realised that I have so much potential that I c... (see more)
Protagonist (ENFJ, -A/-T)

All photos in this page were uploaded by our readers. We hope that everyone used their own photo, but in case you spot one that shouldn’t be here, please let us know!

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