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Assertive Entertainer (ESFP-A) vs. Turbulent Entertainer (ESFP-T)

Entertainers are a typically charming, social personality type. They have an eye for beauty and are often touched deeply by it. They bring a lot of energy with them wherever they go. And members of this personality type remain the same, even when we split Assertive Entertainers (ESFP-A) and Turbulent Entertainers (ESFP-T) into separate Identities. But, as much as both remain Entertainers, important differences are brought about by the distinct way each Identity sees the world and themselves.

Let’s explore some ways our research shows these differences.

The Inner Identity Differences of Assertive and Turbulent Entertainers

88% of Assertive Entertainers say they feel comfortable with themselves, compared to 65% of Turbulent Entertainers.

Entertainers tend to feel upbeat about who they are. The majority of both types of Entertainers responded positively when asked if they felt comfortable with themselves. Typically, these personalities would rather be anything but boring, and that may require a level of self-acceptance and internal comfort that allows their playfulness to thrive. Assertive and Turbulent Entertainers have this in common.

However, the two types of Entertainers do not see their comfort levels identically. We find that more Assertive Entertainers say they are comfortable with themselves, as Assertive personality types usually do. And, as might be expected, fewer Turbulent Entertainers indicate that they feel at ease with themselves. But there are advantages to not being too comfortable. Turbulent Entertainers’ somewhat lower comfort level may foster more of a need for self-improvement. This greater need can drive them toward a higher level of excellence.

51% of Turbulent Entertainers feel that reducing stress is very important, compared to 7% of Assertive Entertainers.

Assertive Entertainers typically feel confident about handling what life throws at them and are unlikely to worry much about stress: either how to prevent it or how to reduce it. That doesn’t mean that these personalities are oblivious to problems. It means that they don’t allow problems to be as central a focus. They likely see most potential stressors as not being worth worrying about, nor worth their attention. This helps them maintain a relaxed and less reactive attitude. Such a calm response can be valuable when dealing with great pressure.

But Turbulent Entertainers do tend to worry about difficult pressures in their lives. They may doubt their ability to handle an onslaught of difficulties and can feel overwhelmed. One of the best ways to reduce or prevent stress is to attempt to head off stressors before they intensify and become greater problems. For Turbulent Entertainers, this may take the form of being aware of any complications and sounding the alarm. Sharing their worries with others can alert those who may not notice the impending trouble themselves.

80% of Turbulent Entertainers say they are often afraid of making decisions, compared to 23% of Assertive Entertainers.

Decision-making can also be a challenge for Turbulent Entertainers. Entertainers tend to be unfocused anyway, and this is especially true with long-term goals. Add the self-doubt and uncertainty that’s a part of being Turbulent, and Turbulent Entertainers are even more hesitant to make decisions than most other Turbulent types. They are the second-highest of all personality types to admit to a fear of choosing.

Indecisiveness can keep Turbulent Entertainers from moving forward quickly enough. They may find procrastination a problem, thinking it’s better to make no decision than to make a bad one. But, on the plus side, Turbulent Entertainers aren’t likely to decide things too lightly. They can be trusted to take things seriously.

Assertive Entertainers may decide with little fear. But their bolder approach might affect the quality of those decisions if they make them too swiftly. Assertive Entertainers’ confidence can stifle their need to question their conclusions. Sometimes, asking the right questions about their choices might be helpful – or even necessary. However, should a decision be urgent and require a quick response, Assertive Entertainers will likely shine.

Some Outer Identity Differences between Assertive and Turbulent Entertainers

87% of Assertive Entertainers feel they have control over their emotions, compared to 40% of Turbulent Entertainers.

Emotions are generally the coin of the realm for this personality type. Both Assertive and Turbulent Entertainers say they are eloquent when discussing their feelings, and they are among those least likely to say they’re confused by the emotions of others. While they both say they are in touch with their emotions, that isn’t the same as control. There, the two types of Entertainers differ.

Control of emotions may feel like a matter of competency to Assertive Entertainers, and their confidence usually carries the day with matters of proficiency. From Assertive Entertainers’ perspective, their reality is that they are relatively sure they can handle their emotions. Handling something competently is basically one of the definitions of control.

The perspective is different for Turbulent Entertainers. Controlling emotions may feel like a matter of competency for these personalities too. However, with their often-present self-doubt, they are less likely to see themselves successfully controlling their feelings. Their uncertainty about themselves can color how they believe they will behave, and it may color how they see the past, giving them an overall impression that they have trouble regulating their emotions. This view might also create a self-fulfilling prophecy. If they believe they’re not good with their feelings, they may act as though it’s true.

68% of Turbulent Entertainers say they respond to their anger outwardly with actions and words, compared to 38% of Assertive Entertainers.

This outward expression of anger can be a mark of greater honesty in Turbulent Entertainers. But being both conflict-averse and emotionally more expressive can spell trouble for these personalities. Getting angry at someone can easily ignite an argument – and fights often result from expressions of anger. Should this conflict play out, Turbulent Entertainers might feel guilty about expressing their feelings or for being “too honest.”

While keeping their anger in can prevent Assertive Entertainers from making waves, it may also render them less transparent to the other people in their lives. This more optimistic, Assertive personality type might feel free to express their positive emotions but be more reluctant to express negative emotions. The air might never be entirely clear of hostile feelings. Sometimes anger fuels action, or it is necessary to get someone’s attention. Concealing negative feelings could block Assertive Entertainers from experiencing their many benefits.

84% of Assertive Entertainers say they offer forgiveness to others faster than most people, compared to 48% of Turbulent Entertainers.

After the anger or other unpleasant emotions can come forgiveness. This personality type scores highest on always looking on the bright side of things. And both Assertive and Turbulent Entertainers are the types most likely to say they have faith in people. These attitudes may influence their tendency to forgive. They may try to find the good in everybody and every situation – even those that have caused pain.

However, while both Entertainer personality types are sensitive, feelings are even more prominent in Turbulent Entertainers’ lives. Relatively speaking, they are likely more easily hurt and may hold a grudge longer than Assertive Entertainers. Since the opinions or actions of others are less important to Assertive Entertainers, they are less likely to hold on to any slight they experience.


  • While the majority of both Assertive and Turbulent Entertainers say they are comfortable with themselves, Assertive Entertainers are more likely to do so.
  • Stress is less of an issue for Assertive Entertainers. While difficult matters may hold the attention of Turbulent Entertainers longer, it can also help them remain more aware, allowing them to perhaps alert or remind others of problems.
  • Turbulent Entertainers tend to say they feel and express difficult emotions more than Assertive Entertainers. This tendency may create a conflict between their social natures and the need to express negative emotions – the two may not always be compatible.
  • While both Entertainer personality types are generally in touch with their emotions, Turbulent Entertainers may be more easily hurt by other people. This may prevent them from forgiving others as quickly as Assertive Entertainers.

Always On – Only in Different Ways

The gregarious Entertainer personality type is always bringing excitement and enthusiasm wherever they go and whatever they do. It doesn’t matter if they are Turbulent or Assertive. But that doesn’t mean that there are no differences between the two. Knowing those differences can be useful in bringing more balance into the lives of each Identity type. It can also help those who wish to better understand the Entertainers in their lives.

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