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Assertive Entrepreneur (ESTP-A) vs. Turbulent Entrepreneur (ESTP-T)

Entrepreneurs, in their free-spirited way, bring fresh ideas and thoughtful conversations with them wherever they go. Boldness is a mark of this personality type. But then we split the Identities. We soon find that Assertive Entrepreneurs (ESTP-A) and Turbulent Entrepreneurs (ESTP-T) express their shared features in clearly different ways.

Let’s look at a few areas where our research tells us they’re different.

Sense of Self

Confidence is a key quality of the Assertive Identity for all personality types. It’s no different for Assertive Entrepreneurs. Many of them see themselves as making fewer mistakes than other people. Does this mean that they are less prone to making errors? That may be, but it’s not necessarily so. Identity is about how personality types see themselves, and that can be subjective – with people seeing what they expect to see.

The same holds for Turbulent Entrepreneurs as well. They may or may not make more mistakes than Assertive Entrepreneurs. But the self-doubt that is part of the Turbulent package makes them less inclined to view themselves as making far fewer mistakes than other people. Their self-talk generally involves less certainty.

Both types of Entrepreneur tend to see themselves among the bravest of personality types. Yet there is a significant difference in the level of boldness between the two. Since they don’t have as much fear of making mistakes and doing the wrong thing at the wrong time, Assertive Entrepreneurs are likely to go forward with less hesitation.

But there is a bright side to Turbulent Entrepreneurs’ relative lack of self-assurance. Worry often expresses itself one of two ways: anxious immobility or a drive to do things carefully enough to avoid problems.

The first reaction to worry can be resolved with some effort. The second can be used to create a more successful outcome by encouraging a more careful approach – at least when compared to Assertive Entrepreneurs. The second option fits Entrepreneurs’ action-oriented core personality traits better. A motivated-by-worry mind-set can lead Turbulent Entrepreneurs to want to be more thorough, even if they sometimes want to avoid problems or are easily rattled.

Assertive Entrepreneurs are more likely to see things as a challenge rather than a difficulty when things go wrong or become harder. Most say an obstacle increases their motivation.

Turbulent Entrepreneurs are less likely to regard a struggle as a motivating factor. They are even more likely to ignore a problem, hoping it will go away. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that every Turbulent Entrepreneur buries their head in the sand in the face of adversity when all is said and done. That would go against the fundamental traits of these personality types. They simply view challenges in a less favorable light, and Turbulent Entrepreneurs are typically prone to impatience when they encounter frustrations.

More Turbulent Entrepreneurs are likely to believe that life is too complicated in these modern times. These personalities also see themselves as less decisive when considering smaller matters. Evaluating important matters seems to be a little easier for them. But, even with weightier decisions, they appear less at ease than their Assertive cousins.

This sense of being weighed down by the complexity of modern life and small choices may speak to a lack of confidence. Turbulent Entrepreneurs may feel that they are not able to deal with such things adequately. Facing too many options can sometimes be complicated for Turbulent personality types with the Prospecting trait. This likely holds true for Turbulent Entrepreneurs as well.

Social Life and Emotions

Assertive individuals are often on their own, to the point that the opinions of others are not so important. However, Entrepreneurs’ Extraversion may somewhat mute this independence in the interest of maintaining social connections. They may need to take what others think seriously in order to do so. Still, Assertive Entrepreneurs, needing the say-so of others less, are more socially relaxed than Turbulent Entrepreneurs.

Turbulent Entrepreneurs, on the other hand, are more interested in what others feel and think. Perhaps a good metaphor for this is that they are more self-conscious about their appearance around other people. Also, they are more likely to want advice from others. In general, they need people more.

This need can make Turbulent Entrepreneurs less likely to act swiftly. Their exceedingly dynamic core personality traits can act as a counterbalance to this. But, still, compared to Assertive Entrepreneurs, opinions are essential to them, and they are likely to be more cautious and to seek a positive response from others more actively.

Entrepreneurs are a mixed bag emotionally, and those with this personality type aren’t likely to see themselves as emotional in a quieter sense. Dealing with feelings isn’t a primary strength for them, nor are emotions quickly processed. Yet these personalities also indicate that they can be emotionally expressive when that is called for. They may see something useful in letting people know the way they feel about things.

However, there seems to be a sense of less control of emotions among Turbulent Entrepreneurs. Most say they are surprised at their own reactions. They are more likely to need some time to compose themselves when they encounter a stressful situation.

Being a Thinking personality type with self-doubts, Turbulent Entrepreneurs may not be comfortable when an emotional or stressful event appears suddenly. They may feel somewhat scattered in such situations. Turbulent Entrepreneurs may need to take a breath and have a chance to think before they feel comfortable.

Assertive Entrepreneurs are also Thinking personalities – only without as much self-doubt. Their confidence likely allows them to believe that they can manage any spontaneous situation, whether it’s good or bad. For them, their competence is a safe bet. This self-assurance enables them to remain calm or to recover and respond quickly in the face of a distressing situation. However, there is such a thing as too much confidence, and it can sometimes result in impulsive and ill-considered responses that may not be helpful.


  • Assertive Entrepreneurs are more likely to see themselves as capable, based primarily on their confidence.
  • Turbulent Entrepreneurs do not share the same level of confidence, but their relative level of self-doubt can make them more careful in their lives when compared to Assertive Entrepreneurs.
  • While both types of Entrepreneur generally see themselves as one of the more courageous personality types, Turbulent Entrepreneurs are likely not as bold as their counterparts. However, their hesitation may save them from making impulsive mistakes.
  • Small matters and decisions can be difficult for Turbulent Entrepreneurs. These matters may offer too many choices for them.
  • Assertive Entrepreneurs see challenges as more motivating than Turbulent Entrepreneurs, but it would be inaccurate to say that Turbulent Entrepreneurs don’t get the job done despite obstacles.
  • Assertive Entrepreneurs are likely to be more socially relaxed because people’s opinions carry less weight with them. Turbulent Entrepreneurs are more likely to see the views of others as significant and may act accordingly.
  • Turbulent Entrepreneurs feel less control over their emotions, and their feelings often surprise them.

The Different Expressions of the Gregarious Entrepreneur

When someone is as outgoing as those with the Entrepreneur personality type tend to be, the Identity differences between the two types are likely to be very evident. Assertive Entrepreneurs are friendly and gregarious. But they may look slightly careless and perhaps even appear somewhat superficially involved. Turbulent Entrepreneurs may be just as friendly and gregarious, but they might also come across as too needy. And so it goes with Identities – common traits that each type of Entrepreneur expresses in different ways.

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