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Assertive Logician (INTP-A) vs. Turbulent Logician (INTP-T)

Due to their four shared Logician traits, Assertive Logicians (INTP-A) and Turbulent Logicians (INTP-T) are more alike than different compared to any other types. But their Identities add some nuance to the similarities, creating two subtypes within the personality type. To review the defining qualities of the Identities, we invite you to explore them more fully in our Framework section.

77% of Assertive Logicians say they are comfortable with themselves, compared to 36% of Turbulent Logicians.

Assertive Logicians are more likely to be satisfied with their current place in life when compared to Turbulent Logicians. But this is a standard difference between all Assertive and Turbulent personalities. Types are likely to overlap some when expressing identities. In typical fashion, Assertive Logicians report being more comfortable in their skins than Turbulent Logicians. However, that’s a matter of degree since our research shows both Logician types are more likely to feel less satisfied with their lives than the average person.

73% of Assertive Logicians say they are proud of who they are as a person, compared to 42% of Turbulent Logicians.

But there are two areas where Logician personalities express their Identities in somewhat more distinct ways due to their other characteristics: how they deal with change and how they deal with people.

Consistency and Change


Both Assertive and Turbulent Logicians, influenced by the Prospecting personality trait as it interacts with their Intuitive and Thinking traits, are prone to change directions (or their methods) often. They rarely become so set on one concept they stop considering all other possibilities. In its purest form, this can lead to serial, impulsive obsessions that burn hot one day, only to cool when something else of interest appears on their radar. The result can be a state of constant flux.

27% of Assertive Logicians say they often make decisions they know they’ll regret, compared to 54% of Turbulent Logicians.

But, on closer inspection, these two types of Logicians have a different relationship to change and their more impulsive responses to information. Assertive Logicians have a slightly greater tendency to look before they leap. In addition, their confidence allows these personalities to be surer when they pick a direction and less likely to question their commitment to it.

This subtle commitment can make Assertive Logicians’ behaviors and ideas a shade more consistent than those of their Turbulent counterparts. If they’re confident in their direction, there’s little need to change it. This doesn’t negate their Prospecting flexibility. It just regulates it to a degree – and creates a significant distinction between them and Turbulent Logicians. On the other hand, these personalities aren’t bothered by change, either, and tend to go with the flow.

87% of Assertive Logicians say they are confident when they deal with day-to-day activities, compared to 59% of Turbulent Logicians.


One of the defining qualities of the Turbulent personality trait is a pronounced drive to change and improve in order to repair perceived deficiencies. Turbulent Logicians are no different. But for this Thinking/Prospecting type, with every new piece of knowledge, there is the potential that it acts as a compass – sending them off in a new direction on a quest for something better, something to improve. The basic qualities of the imaginative growth-seeking Logician amplify this aspect of the Turbulent trait.

28% of Turbulent Logicians are satisfied with what they have achieved so far in their life, compared to 45% of Assertive Logicians.

However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that Turbulent Logicians will follow through on all their ideas. Sometimes, their relative lack of confidence might stifle any action. Or, sometimes, the whole thing is just an Introverted mental exercise, and the process remains internal and forever hidden. Even when these personalities flirt with change, they may not always be comfortable with it. They typically prefer their own ideas to those initiated by someone else or one that catches them by surprise.

66% of Turbulent Logicians say they become stressed out when there are last-minute changes, compared to 35% of Assertive Logicians.

When Turbulent Logicians choose to share their thoughts, it may be hard for others to keep up with the ongoing changes in their thinking and their goals. Their shifting objectives can become moving targets in the eyes of other personality types – particularly those with the Judging trait – leaving Turbulent Logicians with the reputation of never being able to commit solidly to a plan.

Logicians and Other People


Assertive Logicians are more likely than all other personality types to say they rarely let people upset them. They are also less likely than Turbulent Logicians to hold a grudge after an argument. Not being driven by the opinions of others is one hallmark of the Assertive Identity. These Logicians may frequently act without the permission or approval of others. “It’s easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission” might be their occasional motto. This allows these personalities to advance their goals in life in an independent and perhaps a more streamlined fashion.

Only 27% of Assertive Logicians say they get angry easily, compared to 60% of Turbulent Logicians.

But this can also be problematic. It can lead to Assertive Logicians appearing arrogant or as though they’re acting in condescending ways. Their Introverted, Intuitive, and Thinking traits already lend these personalities an air of remoteness that can feed this perception. But rather than arrogance, it may sometimes mean that they believe so much in their own strategies and ideas that they are unable to see room for anyone else’s contributions. Where collaboration or a team effort is called for, it may be difficult for them to fit in.

42% of Assertive Logicians consider themselves “very intelligent”, compared to 23% of Turbulent Logicians.


51% of Turbulent Logicians say they feel envy when a friend accomplishes a goal, compared to 24% of Assertive Logicians.

Turbulent Logicians are comparatively more influenced by the opinions of others, and even their appearance seems to matter more to them. These personalities are more likely to value staying fit as a means of maintaining self-confidence than their Assertive counterparts. They are also likely to feel more self-conscious because of their appearance. This suggests they feel a greater need to impress others.

The opinions of their friends typically inform Turbulent Logicians’ levels of confidence to a far greater extent compared to the Assertive Logicians. Turbulent Logicians are also much more likely to be upset if someone they like doesn’t like them back. This need for approval can cause people with this personality type to question anything that doesn’t receive a resounding endorsement from those around them.

85% of Turbulent Logicians say it takes a while for them to forgive themselves when they make a mistake in front of a friend, compared to 55% of Assertive Logicians.

But needing approval can be helpful or problematic, depending on how and where Turbulent Logicians express it and to what degree others influence their decisions. If not carried to excess, this can work for Turbulent Logicians, giving them an edge over Assertive Logicians when it comes to connecting with others. But always having to check with others for approval can make it harder for Turbulent Logicians to move forward. Each issue raised might elicit differing opinions from each of their friends or colleagues. Trying to please everybody can be paralyzing.

In Summary

  • Assertive Logicians are likely to be more consistent than Turbulent Logicians due to confidence in the choices they make and being less influenced by others.
  • Turbulent Logicians change their goals more often than their Assertive cousins. This can make these personalities more flexible problem-solvers – though perhaps too flexible at times.
  • Assertive Logicians, being less moved by the opinions of others, are often endowed with the advantages of more independent and streamlined thought and action.
  • However, this may also result in Assertive Logicians putting more distance between them and the people in their lives.
  • Turbulent Logicians are more influenced by the opinions and approval of those in their lives. This can make people with this personality type more open and accessible to their friends, families, or coworkers.
  • Turbulent Logicians who depend too much on the opinions of others may find they freeze in place waiting for approval. Or, to the contrary, they may give up and move on, abandoning a potentially good idea.

Next Step

Even if most personality traits are identical, not everyone will express the qualities they represent the same way. If you want to find out more about your Identity and other traits, we encourage you to check out the Trait Scholar assessment in our Academy. It would deepen your understanding of your personality traits through the exploration of the sub-traits that compose them. In the meantime, we would enjoy hearing how your Identity plays a role in your life. Please leave a comment below.

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