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Assertive Protagonist (ENFJ-A) vs. Turbulent Protagonist (ENFJ-T)

Sometimes the core personality traits help a type mimic what it means to be Assertive or Turbulent, even when they don’t possess those specific qualities. This imitation can mute their Identity differences. Turbulent Protagonists’ outgoing nature can prompt them to act more boldly than the typical Turbulent personality type. Their Judging trait helps them value and seek predictability – which, in turn, provides them with confidence as they seek a sure thing. As a result, Turbulent Protagonists may not always come across as being as Turbulent as other Turbulent types.

However, this doesn’t mean that pronounced differences don’t exist between Assertive Protagonists (ENFJ-A) and Turbulent Protagonists (ENFJ-T). These personalities still approach the world in the following different ways.

Sense of Self

81% of Assertive Protagonists say their self-confidence is high or very high, compared to 39% of Turbulent Protagonists.

As would be expected, Assertive Protagonists view themselves with more self-confidence, while Turbulent Protagonists tend to see themselves with less. However, as Protagonists are charismatic and natural leaders, this Turbulent tendency may not always be evident on the surface. This self-assessment can help keep Turbulent Protagonists humbler in their leadership. When Protagonists take their crusades and sense of righteousness too far, they can sometimes be overbearing. Turbulent Protagonists’ humility may help them remain more immune to such excesses than their Assertive counterparts.

The Turbulent lack of confidence might also heighten the oversensitivity that this personality type sometimes indulges in, while Assertive Protagonists may restrain to a higher degree their tendency to take things personally. If they discover that they aren’t living up to their ideals, Assertive Protagonists may be able to hold their self-esteem more intact. This ability can be useful for moving an agenda forward instead of worrying about their capabilities.

55% of Assertive Protagonists describe their level of anxiety about their body image as minimal, compared to 24% of Turbulent Protagonists.

Ideally, how one looks is unimportant. Body image may seem superficial. But to a personality type like Protagonists, who are likely more “public” in some sense of the word, it can be impactful. As a reflection of Turbulent Protagonists’ lesser confidence, they may act with even less certainty if they’re not comfortable in their own skin. This greater self-consciousness may apply to many areas of their lives – but it may also help them relate to many other people with similar “less than” feelings. Assertive Protagonists may not be able to muster quite the same degree of empathy.

Protagonist Differences in Emotions, Behaviors, and the People in Their Lives

74% of Turbulent Protagonists say they often – or very often – feel sad, compared to 37% of Assertive Protagonists.

Broader emotions guide both Assertive and Turbulent Protagonists when they make decisions, but that doesn’t necessarily tell us how these personalities handle transient emotional states. Both types of Protagonists tend to adopt the problems of others as their own. Being prone to experiencing their emotions more often might increase this tendency in Turbulent Protagonists. Sharing others’ emotions can increase Turbulent Protagonists’ level of compassion. But, if taken too far, it can also weigh them down.

85% of Assertive Protagonists feel like they have control over their emotions, compared to 50% of Turbulent Protagonists.

Their confidence may have Assertive Protagonists believing that they are unlikely to be hurt – or that if they were hurt, the pain would be manageable. This sense of greater invulnerability may create a protective shell around Assertive Protagonists’ feelings, and such armor may allow them more detachment when needed. They likely deal with people more calmly. This more relaxed approach can be especially helpful in upsetting situations that can benefit from the presence of cooler heads.

However, to avoid extremes, it’s important to note that half of Turbulent Protagonists also feel like they have control over their emotions. Both personalities might readily possess this quality, but it’s more likely to be found in Assertive Protagonists.

90% of Assertive Protagonists feel like they effectively manage the stress in their lives, compared to 45% of Turbulent Protagonists.

The stressors that one type of Protagonist encounters are not necessarily more or less than the other one faces. The amount would depend on the nature of the individual Protagonist’s life. However, Assertive Protagonists are about twice as likely to say they manage stress well. These personalities probably expect tension to be a part of life and view it as natural and something to enthusiastically overcome. They may even inspire others of all personality types to join them in a quest to claim victory over such difficulties.

Turbulent Protagonists are apt to pair their somewhat more emotional nature with the demanding situations they face. Such reactions may dampen their attempt at handling stressful situations with a cool head. The combination may leave them feeling overwhelmed and out of control. These personalities are also more likely to show an understanding of those in similar plights. This empathy can bring them closer to those who need kindness rather than inspiration.

62% of Assertive Protagonists find it easy to make an important decision without consulting anyone first, compared to 33% of Turbulent Protagonists.

Assertive Protagonists tend to act more independently than their Turbulent counterparts. Many feel they don’t need the counsel of others when making important decisions. This allows them to do what they need to without the baggage that can come with including others in decision-making. That doesn’t mean that they’re loners by any definition. They remain Extraverts bolstered by the Feeling personality trait, so there are likely plenty of people around. But Assertive Protagonists may often display their prominent independent streak.

Thanks to their outgoing nature, most Turbulent Protagonists are more apt to seek the counsel of others in the decision-making process. They may not feel comfortable choosing an action without external input, due to their somewhat lower sense of confidence. Trusted advice can be reassuring – or it can talk Turbulent Protagonists out of making serious errors. Either way, there are likely to be more quality exchanges between these Protagonists and the people in their lives.


Assertive and Turbulent Protagonist personality differences include:

  • Assertive Protagonists are more confident, allowing them to move boldly and independently, while Turbulent Protagonists can be more sensitive to the problems of others.
  • Turbulent Protagonists are more likely than Assertive Protagonists to be self-conscious.
  • Assertive Protagonists are more comfortable dealing with emotions and stress, while Turbulent Protagonists are less so. However, this can help Turbulent Protagonists empathize more deeply with others who are having trouble dealing with similar things.
  • Assertive Protagonists are likely to be more independent and less inclined to seek the advice of others. Turbulent Protagonists are more likely to ask for an opinion and have more robust exchanges with the people in their lives.

Altruism Can Be Expressed in Many Ways

Assertive Protagonists are likely to be a pinch more objective and less influenced by emotions. But they still decide matters through a broader, more consistent emotional filter, as all Feeling personality types do. Turbulent Protagonists are likely to be a little more reactive and emotions-based. Identity is about shading shared traits with a different tint within the same fundamental hue. Both Assertive and Turbulent personalities remain kind and inspirational Protagonists – just in their distinctly different ways.

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