Entrepreneur Personality

(What’s the difference?)

Workplace Habits

In just about any environment, the workplace included, it’s pretty easy to spot Entrepreneurs. Boisterous and spontaneous, fun-loving and maybe a little crass, people with the Entrepreneur personality type love tackling problems as they arise and telling great stories about their solutions afterwards. Naturally, some positions work better with these qualities than others, but Entrepreneurs are adaptable individuals, and can find a way to make just about any situation a little more interesting.

Entrepreneur (ESTP) workplace habits

Entrepreneur Subordinates

Entrepreneurs’ most challenging position is the one that most people have to start out in: as subordinates. While perfectly capable of exercising restraint on their own terms, Entrepreneur personalities hate having others’ rules and regulations foisted upon them. Entrepreneurs are known for their experimentation, improvisation and quick thinking – if they’re not allowed to use these qualities and have to check in with a supervisor for every little thing, they’ll be bored and frustrated.

Entrepreneurs know well that risk equals reward, and they’ll gladly skirt more mundane tasks in favor of something a little more exciting, in the hope that it catches someone’s attention. A plaque and a bonus go a long way for people with this personality type. Getting ahead by the tenets of staid reliability, quiet helpfulness, or mere seniority isn’t Entrepreneurs’ way – they move forward by sheer force of personality in a well-handled crisis.

Entrepreneur Colleagues

As colleagues, Entrepreneurs have a work hard, play hard mentality – as long as everyone else is pulling their weight, they’ll gladly pull their own, and have a great time doing it. Charming and popular individuals that they are, networking comes naturally to Entrepreneurs. These qualities make it easy for Entrepreneur personalities to get along with just about anyone.

At the same time, if Entrepreneurs see a colleague as incompetent, or worse, lazy, they let them know in no uncertain terms. Emotional sensitivity is not their strong suit. Entrepreneurs are very observant and well-tuned to changes in their colleagues’ habits and moods – unless they themselves are the cause of distress.

Entrepreneur Managers

Management positions are where Entrepreneurs are usually most comfortable, as they often give the most flexibility. Rules and traditions are a bother for people with the Entrepreneur personality type – they’d rather try a bunch of new ideas with a chance of getting things done faster or better than to pay attention to “the way things have always been done” or subordinates’ comfort with experimentation. Entrepreneurs are practical, with a focus on what does, or could, work best.

This can make for a chaotic environment, but Entrepreneurs’ inspiring cult of personality makes them well-suited to handling such a thing. Entrepreneurs enjoy living in the moment. Rather than some broad, intangible future accomplishment like “making customers happy”, Entrepreneur personalities set small, clear, measurable, and attainable goals that keep things on track day-to-day, and hearty congratulations can always be relied on for a job well done. Entrepreneurs keep their eyes on the finish line, but they get there step by step.

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