
This is what people have said about our premium resources.
By far the easiest and most enjoyable way I've ever experienced a personality assessment. The results, especially for the Premium Profile, were just outstanding in terms of ease of understanding and practicality of use. ... (see more)
Campaigner (ENFP, -A/-T)
As an ENTP, this purchase decision was an easy one to make. Self-exploration, in my eyes, is a very important part of reaching your potential. I now better understand my strengths - and more importantly, my weaknesses, s... (see more)
Debater (ENTP, -A/-T)
Before I came across the 16Personalities website I was lost. After finding out my profile, I was enlightened. It was a mind blowing experience to read about myself. Now I have the courage to be me. What helped the most w... (see more)
Campaigner (ENFP, -A/-T)
I thought the information was informative and highly intuitive. It's nice to be able to see yourself in words and not just in your own head. It it's like a deep sigh of relief when what you thought is pretty accurate.
Campaigner (ENFP, -A/-T)
I found the premium profile to be very detailed and insightful. I have taken several personality tests over the years but found this one to be more detailed and helpful. It is good to be reminded of your unique qualities... (see more)
Advocate (INFJ, -A/-T)
I really appreciate the depth and the sensitivities of the premium report. I like especially the section where it introduces the specific learning modes of a typical Mediator person, as I am a student always facing bumpy... (see more)
Mediator (INFP, -A/-T)
The premium profile has really helped me to see where I might have gone wrong in the past when handling people. I am now able to use my strengths more carefully when assisting people and knowing when to keep my distance ... (see more)
Consul (ESFJ, -A/-T)
Just WOW. I just love how much detail you provide, or maybe even just the WAY you explain, but my profile resonated with me. I've put myself through quite a bit of struggle growing up, simply because I didn't understand ... (see more)
Campaigner (ENFP, -A/-T)
I've taken the personality test on this site many times over the last six years and I always get the same result. And every time I read it it's always scarily accurate. When I am feeling stressed or need to be inspired i... (see more)
Campaigner (ENFP, -A/-T)
Love love love my premium profile. I finally understand so many things about me. This is helping me to make choices that serve me even more.
Logician (INTP, -A/-T)
Wow, I never thought this would reveal much but it did. I laughed at parts, was astonished at others and even cried at one point for finally feeling understood.
Entrepreneur (ESTP, -A/-T)
I loved reading about my personality type! I finally understand why I do the thing I do. I've always felt unique and now I know why and bonus - with the premium profile I have guidance on how to best communicate with oth... (see more)
Advocate (INFJ, -A/-T)

All photos in this page were uploaded by our readers. We hope that everyone used their own photo, but in case you spot one that shouldn’t be here, please let us know!

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