
This is what people have said about our premium resources.
Wow, this was mind blowing! The results were so accurate that I was having "Oh wow!" and "Aha! Finally someone understands me!" moments over and over again!
Protagonist (ENFJ, -A/-T)
I've just ordered my complete profile. The free "basic summary" they provided nailed so many thing about me, and if they were that accurate in a few online pages, I'm excited to see what else they know about me in 100+ p... (see more)
Mediator (INFP, -A/-T)
The premium profile I purchased was well worth the price. I was able to delve deeply into the reasons I do what I do...sometimes without understanding why. This profile allowed me to clearly and effectively understand my... (see more)
Logician (INTP, -A/-T)
The results have confirmed the truth about me - so many things make perfect sense to me now. I feel at peace, I have the tools and a guide to redefine my life and unlock my true purpose.
Logician (INTP, -A/-T)
It is amazing to me just how accurate this information is. I have felt misunderstood most of my life. It is something that I struggled with as an adult. But this information helped me understand myself SO much better. I ... (see more)
Campaigner (ENFP, -A/-T)
I have always been intrigued by opportunities to discover personality traits and how people differ. I am very positively surprised how 16Personalities most accurately and intelligently nails it. I can't wait to learn mor... (see more)
Campaigner (ENFP, -A/-T)
Applying what I learned by reading, reflecting and applying has been a catalyst that has significantly improved my relationship with my spouse and with my boss. I am smarter, wiser and still learning!
Campaigner (ENFP, -A/-T)
The free profile offers already a lot of information, but the premium one definitely provided me with tons of tools for improving my self-awareness, making me better understand how i act and why I act in such a way. Sam... (see more)
Mediator (INFP, -A/-T)
I ordered the full report because I couldn't believe how accurate the basic description was. I'm always looking for new insights into myself and ways to improve and this is definitely right up that alley. It's like they ... (see more)
Mediator (INFP, -A/-T)
Incredibly resembling. I bought the book - I cannot wait to finish it and learn new things about me. Thank you.
Protagonist (ENFJ, -A/-T)
This detailed book about the Protagonist profile is the most helpful self-exploration tool I have ever had in hands. I'm delighted to have ordered it! I'm even a bit upset that I hadn't bought it earlier...! This book go... (see more)
Protagonist (ENFJ, -A/-T)
I really enjoyed reading the full analysis of my profile. I've asked myself all my life why I'm in my own way and because I empathize with other people, why I get discouraged so fast? Analyzing my profile (Protagonist) I... (see more)
Protagonist (ENFJ, -A/-T)

All photos in this page were uploaded by our readers. We hope that everyone used their own photo, but in case you spot one that shouldn’t be here, please let us know!

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