
This is what people have said about our premium resources.
The premium profile is so far excellent. It is allowing me to understand with depth my different traits and how to use and deal with them better. Also how to interact better with people who have other personalities. It i... (see more)
Campaigner (ENFP, -A/-T)
I just bought my INFP profile, and I'm really excited to start reading it, just by looking it over, I can tell that I'm in for a treat of knowledge. It looks very professional and neat.
Mediator (INFP, -A/-T)
I am amazed at the accuracy of the information that I have learned about having a Protagonist personality type! Many realizations have already been understood and it has only been one day of reading! I have recommended t... (see more)
Protagonist (ENFJ, -A/-T)
The accuracy of this profile was almost unnerving at first. The mechanisms of my mind are described in a strinkingly accurate way. It is truly eye opening. It has alerted me to some of my blindspots and it contains valua... (see more)
Commander (ENTJ, -A/-T)
I absolutely loved reading this extended profile about my personality type. The free profile you have access to on the website is so helpful, but I was ready to take it to the next level by digging deeper in order to bet... (see more)
Mediator (INFP, -A/-T)
This was a phenomenal experience, so much of who I truly am came through the pages of the eBook. I was skeptical at first but wow was I mistaken. This is the real deal!!!
Commander (ENTJ, -A/-T)
This profile has opened up a Pandora's box of ideas when it comes to my personal development. I felt as though someone was reading my mind for my entire life and the rewards will continue throughout my life. Such a valua... (see more)
Advocate (INFJ, -A/-T)
I bought the premium profile for my husband. It shed light into many issues and mannerisms which he didn't understand about himself, helped him examine them and put them into words, and it has given me tools to deal with... (see more)
Mediator (INFP, -A/-T)
Incredibly thorough and scary. It's like someone putting a mirror to your face and you seeing your true self whether you like it or not.
Architect (INTJ, -A/-T)
Really spot on! Enough material to make me feel like I finally have a Kelvin Manual. My girlfriend and I are now using both our profiles to get to a "crystal clear" level of understanding for one another.
Architect (INTJ, -A/-T)
I loved the rich information this test opened my eyes to. I had taken it a few times in my psychology classes but this extensive explanation of each detailed trait is amazing. It has helped me further understand the inne... (see more)
Protagonist (ENFJ, -A/-T)
The premium digital book that I received was very helpful in confirming some of the things I knew about myself and help me think a little deeper about other aspects of my personality. I recently joined an extremely robus... (see more)
Debater (ENTP, -A/-T)

All photos in this page were uploaded by our readers. We hope that everyone used their own photo, but in case you spot one that shouldn’t be here, please let us know!

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