
This is what people have said about our premium resources.
It is a very appropriate profile. I find a clear description of myself and I find strengths and weaknesses very useful to understand how describe myself in work context and improve.
Protagonist (ENFJ, -A/-T)
Feedback was spot on... shows me the starting point of my journey. Can't wait to continue down this path of personal growth. Thanks, guys.... kudos for a job well done. Just about to step out of a multinational CEO seat ... (see more)
Commander (ENTJ, -A/-T)
I was amazed at how accurately it described me. I found affirmation as well as encouragement. The helpful advice about self care and caring for others, especially in understanding their personality types too, is invaluab... (see more)
Defender (ISFJ, -A/-T)
This blew my mind! So accurate! Definitely can't wait to make these changes to better my future!
Protagonist (ENFJ, -A/-T)
After taking the test, I was quite surprised that my personality description was so precise and thought they really are one of a kind. I usually tend to avoid all those short personality test to drive you to nothing, but... (see more)
Mediator (INFP, -A/-T)
The deeper, more detailed insight from the courses in the premium profile have made a profound impact on me. Suddenly, things seem to make more sense about the choices I have made and continue to make in my life. I've st... (see more)
Campaigner (ENFP, -A/-T)
Was deep. Almost creepy. But it has taken my self worth to a whole new next level. And I now know more on why I have some traits and what to do to maximise the strengths. Thank you. Recommended it to my roommates.
Protagonist (ENFJ, -A/-T)
This is by far the most accurate description of my personality, I recommend others to try it as well.
Entertainer (ESFP, -A/-T)
Amazing report and crazy accurate! It has helped me understand my relationship with my boyfriend so much better. Wow! I knew he was unique but to find out his personality was only common with 2% of the population really ... (see more)
Consul (ESFJ, -A/-T)
I am an ENFP and finally know why I always wanted to help people. From the time I was a kid, I wanted to be a doctor or pastor. I ended up in engineering because that is what my dad thought I should do. So I went to Geor... (see more)
Campaigner (ENFP, -A/-T)
It's crazy to say how accurate this is.. one of my mentors told me "You must understand yourself, how you function as a person to be able to really unleash your truest potential." I can't express how important it is to u... (see more)
Entrepreneur (ESTP, -A/-T)
This is unbelievable how detailed information about myself I could learn from the test. I hope I will be able to implement all tips You suggested. Thank You for it!
Commander (ENTJ, -A/-T)

All photos in this page were uploaded by our readers. We hope that everyone used their own photo, but in case you spot one that shouldn’t be here, please let us know!

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