Advocate Personality

(What’s the difference?)

Career Paths

“It’s better to fail while striving for something wonderful, challenging, adventurous, and uncertain, than to say, ’I don’t want to try because I may not succeed completely.’”

Jimmy Carter

Advocates are likely to find that most corporate career paths are not designed for them, but for those focused on their status and material gain. However, people with this personality are able to find work that suits them in just about any field.

In fact, Advocates are likely to face the opposite problem. Many struggle to begin a career early on because they see ten wildly different paths forward, each with its own set of rewards. This can be appealing but also heartbreaking, because picking just one means letting go of so much else.

Truth, Beauty, Purpose

Advocate personalities need to find meaning in their work and to know that they are helping and connecting with people. An Advocate working as a Ferrari salesperson, for example, is highly unlikely.

Their desire to help and connect makes careers in healthcare – especially the more holistic varieties – very rewarding for Advocates. Roles as counselors, psychologists, doctors, life coaches, and spiritual guides are all attractive options.

Advocate careers

Advocates’ needs don’t end at meaning, though – any productive work can be meaningful, as any productive work helps someone, somewhere. Advocate personalities crave creativity, too. They strive to use their insight to connect events and situations, creating real change in others’ lives.

For Advocates, money and Employee of the Month simply won’t cut it compared to living their values and principles.

Two Roads Diverged In a Yellow Wood

These needs are hard to meet in a corporate environment, where Advocates will be forced to manage someone else’s policies alongside their own. For this reason, people with the Advocate personality type are more likely to find independence in a leadership position, or by simply creating their own business.

If they choose to go the independent route, they will focus on applying their personal touch, creativity, and altruism to everything they do. This can be the most rewarding option for Advocate personalities. When they step out of the overly humble supporting and noncompetitive roles they are often drawn to, they can move into positions where they can grow and make a difference.

Advocates often pursue expressive careers such as writing, effective communicators that they are, and author many popular blogs, stories, and screenplays. Music, photography, design, and art are viable options too, and they all can focus on deeper themes of personal growth, morality, and spirituality.

Where Advocates struggle is in work that doesn’t take personal needs into consideration, is overly repetitious, or promotes conflict. Jobs with these traits will leave Advocate personality types frustrated and unfulfilled. They can also struggle under the criticism and pressure that comes with jobs in corporate politics or sales.

Advocate personalities are clever and can do well in any of these fields. To be truly happy, however, they need to be able to work in a way that aligns with their values and allows them some independence. They need opportunities to learn and grow alongside the people they are helping and contribute to the well-being of humanity on a personal level.

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