Advocate Personality

(What’s the difference?)


“The most I can do for my friend is simply be his friend.”

Henry David Thoreau

There is a running theme with Advocates, and that is a desire for authenticity and sincerity – in their activities, their romantic relationships, and their friendships. People with the Advocate personality type are unlikely to go for friendships of circumstance. They avoid situations like workplace social circles or chatting up their local baristas, where the only thing they really have in common is regular contact.

People with this personality type seek out others who share their passions, interests, and beliefs. They create friendships with people with whom they can explore philosophies and subjects that they believe are truly meaningful.

Advocate friends

Closed Book and Speed Reader

From the start, it can be a challenge to get to know Advocates, as they are very private. Advocate personalities don’t readily share their thoughts and feelings, not unless they are comfortable and feel that those around them can be trusted. Since those thoughts and feelings are the basis for Advocate friendships, it can take time and patience to get to know them.

Meanwhile, Advocates are very insightful and have a particular knack for seeing beyond others’ disguises. They are able to interpret others’ intentions quickly and easily and weed out those who they deem incompatible.

In friendship, it’s as though Advocates are searching for a soulmate, someone who shares every facet of their passions and imagination.

Advocates are often perfectionistic, looking for ultimate compatibility. They also look for someone with whom they can grow and improve. Needless to say, this is a tall order, and Advocates should try to remember that they are a particularly rare personality type. Even if they find someone compatible in that sense, the odds that they will also share every interest are slim.

Advocates must learn to meet others halfway and recognize that the kind of self-improvement and depth they demand is simply exhausting for many types. Otherwise, they may end up abandoning healthy friendships in their infancy in search of more ideal compatibilities.

Like Finding a Needle in a Haystack

Further complicating things is Advocates’ ability to passionately and clearly express themselves. These traits can lead to a lot of (unwanted) attention and popularity. Their quiet, determined idealism naturally draws influence. Advocate personalities, however, tend to avoid seeking power over others – and the people who are drawn to that type of power.

Advocates will find themselves more sought after than they’d ever care to be. This makes it even more difficult for them to find someone with whom they truly have an affinity. Really, the only way to be counted among Advocates’ true friends is to be authentic and to have that authenticity naturally reflect their own.

Once a common thread is found, though, people with the Advocate personality type make loyal and supportive companions. People with this personality type encourage growth and life-enriching experiences with warmth, excitement, and care.

Additionally, as trust grows, Advocates will share more of what lies beneath the surface. If those ideas and motives are mutual, it’s the sort of friendship that will transcend time and distance, lasting a lifetime.

Advocate personalities don’t require a great deal of day-to-day attention. For them, quality trumps quantity every time. Over the years they will likely end up with just a few true friendships, built on a richness of mutual understanding that forges an enduring link between them.

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