Advocate Personality

(What’s the difference?)


“In the end, it’s your actions, how you respond to circumstance, that reveals your character.”

Cate Blanchett

Few personality types are as passionate and mysterious as Advocates. As someone with this personality type, your imagination and empathy make you someone who cherishes their integrity and deeply held principles. Unlike many other idealistic types, however, you are also capable of turning those ideals into plans and executing them.

Yet Advocates can be easily tripped up in areas where their idealism and determination are more of a liability than an asset. There are many areas in life where you may face challenges that, at times, can even make you question who you really are. Anything from navigating interpersonal conflicts, confronting unpleasant facts, pursuing self-realization, or finding a career path that aligns well with your inner core can cause internal frustration.

Advocate (INFJ) personality

What you have read so far is just an introduction – and less than five percent of what we can tell you about the Advocate personality type. You may have muttered to yourself, “Wow, this is so accurate it’s creepy,” or, “They know more about me than people I’m closest to.” You may even be a little uncomfortable because you are really not used to being understood.

This is not a trick. You felt understood because you were. And no, we did not spy on you – rather, we spent years studying Advocates’ life stories, experiences, and responses to hundreds of our surveys. Step by step, insight by insight, we discovered exactly how Advocates think, and what they need to reach their full potential.

This is how we know that many of the challenges you’ve faced (and will face in the future) have been overcome by other Advocates. You are not alone in this. You simply need to learn from the mistakes and successes of others.

But in order to do that, you need a roadmap that fits your needs. Life is too short to stumble around grasping at scattered and contradictory advice that may work for 95% of the population, but not you. We now need to go much deeper into the Advocate mind and answer, “Why?” “How?” and “What if?”

Are you ready to learn why, as an Advocate, you act in the way you do? What motivates and inspires you? What you are afraid of and what you secretly dream about? How can you unlock your true, exceptional potential, while also staying true to who you are?

Our Academy provides a roadmap toward a more focused, confident, and successful you. It’s not for everyone – you need to be willing to challenge yourself, to face your fears, and to ask and answer questions you haven’t asked yourself before. This is not a quick-fix solution, nor an easy shortcut. Our goal is to help you grow and become the person you are meant to be, not to simply give you a comfortable mask to put on.

Are you ready to begin your journey? Then continue to the next section. We’ll be waiting for you in the Academy.

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